Your trusted environmental advisors

At Royal HaskoningDHV, we help our clients fulfill their environmental obligations through planning, analysis, assessment, policy formulation, due diligence and reporting to deliver our purpose of ‘Enhancing Society Together’. Through this purpose, we deliver positive, measurable impact in our projects and our own operations. Our focus is on climate change, biodiversity, natural systems, resource efficiency, circularity, green economy, social value, equality, safety and wellbeing through participatory and knowledge-driven processes.

Our Team

Our team has more than 30 years’ experience and expertise to provide clients with the best practical environmental options and solutions. Having worked in South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mauritius and Swaziland, we pride ourselves in providing accurate environmental advice, fast turnaround times, adding value, and to be available for our clients. Our key BrITE values (Brightness, Integrity, Team spirit and Excellence) support this ambition. The environmental team have the necessary registration with professional and industry bodies (SACNASP, SACPLAN, IEMA, EAPASA, IAIAsa) to ensure quality deliverables and proficient work. Our clients are our partners in the environmental journey while we provide efficient, ethical and reliable services - to be your trusted environmental advisors.

Our Markets

We deliver our consulting services in urban and rural planning and development, transport, infrastructure, aviation, water, buildings, energy and industry. Our clients are private companies, from multinationals to small and medium-sized enterprises, all spheres of government (national, provincial and local), parastatals and state- owned entities, and development finance institutions. With our clients, we are committed to contributing to the global sustainability agenda and improving the quality of life of communities, without compromising the natural environment.


Royal HaskoningDHV is committed to Quality, Health and Safety and Environmental (QHSE) Management and these lie at the heart of the management of all projects. Our global Management System is based on and certified against the globally accepted international standards for Quality, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety and Information Security and it covers QHSE, integrity, business continuity, knowledge management, information security and our business principles.

Sustainable Development Goals

Projects & Operations

Our biggest contribution to inclusive sustainable development, per the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, is integrating news ideas, technology, innovations and sustainability into our products and services

More and more, we connect the digital with the real world. With our clients and partners, we use data and algorithms to translate insights into foresights. With our expertise we help our clients to define, solve or prevent problems. With our clients we adapt and learn from latest technologies to grow our societal intelligence. We invest in our people, innovation, and technologies to efficiently integrate sustainability into all our assignments.

 In addition, if and when required or possible, we actively contribute to enhancing the communities who live and work in the surroundings of our project locations. As an organisation committed to Enhance Society Together, we focus on the sustainable and efficient management of our own operations. It reduces risks and helps to ensure the long-term continuity of our business, while acknowledging our own role in contributing to the SDGs. Just as in our projects, we aspire with our partners to contribute to specific SDGs in order to focus our activities in the areas where we can achieve maximum impact.