Specialist Assessments
The cornerstone of all environmental assessments is specialist input provided by qualified and experienced specialists from varying disciplines.
The key value our specialist team provides is to highlight significant aspects where risks, impacts, transformation and degradation can be expected due to the implementation of an activity or process. Our in-house suite of specialist offerings includes:
Geographic Information Systems/sensitivity mapping including 3D mapping and visualisation
Digital reporting (iReports)
Social assessments including baseline assessments, auditing, due diligence and resettlement planning
Traffic assessments
Climate change assessments, such as climate resilience of projects, climate resilience through projects, potential Greenhouse Gas impacts of a project, and vulnerability assessments
Disaster management systems, centres, plans, risk assessments, preparedness and evacuation planning, and post-disaster damage assessments
Environmental incident management and reporting
Soil and contaminated land assessments/ environmental site assessment